jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

About lesbians

Hi blogger world, i been very very busy by this days, so many things to do, to study, and well, today i dont feel like writing in english so, spanish it is!

Hoy quiero hablar de un tema quizás un poco controversial, nada más ni nada menos que la Homosexualidad. Para ser completamente honesto, hace un par de años no soportaba a las lesbianas, en realidad los gays en general me provocaban molestia, pero unicamente porque tuve la mala suerte de enamorarme, por primera vez, de una niña, que por un tiempo fue mi novia, y que finalmente mostró su verdadera naturaleza de lesbiana; me rompió el corazón (cliché, lo sé) me vino una depresión, confusión, e incluso, lo más divertido, es que intentó volverme gay (por qué, no sé...)

Hasta hace un tiempo, ya superado mi problema con aquella niña, seguí teniendo el mismo rechazo en una suerte de generalización por mi parte, hacia la comunidad gay, aunque intentaba no hacerlo muy notorio.

Es divertido, que la mejor amiga de mi novia, sea lesbiana, porque gracias a eso, aprendí a volver a soportarlas, a valorarlas y a quererlas. En más de una oportunidad, nos recibieron en su casa en valparaiso, nos invitaron a salir de noche, y a mí en particular, siempre me trataron muy bien. Yo solía tener la imagen, de que todas las lesbianas eran polígamas, traidoras, y malas; y quizás muchas lo sean, pero en realidad ya me da lo mismo. Vive, y deja vivir.

Hace un tiempo, me encontré con la que yo creo es la pareja más adorable de lesbianas que he visto, Naomi & Emily.

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Welcome Back Pack - Ps3 - PsN

As much of you guys know, the evening of april 20th, the play station service PSN (Play Station Network) was hacked. We all (i mean we, the users) had to read excuses and excuses, about how incompetent was the people of sony, and expecting with patience "1 or 2 days more" (that's pretty much what sony used to say everyday)

Anyway, today i recieved the e-mail from Sony networks, and the Welcome Back Pack is officially Online, so if you're an ps3 user, and you have an account since before this big hacking issue happened, now you finally can take your reward, what you deserve for your patience.

So, This is pretty much the Deal:

▲If you're a PS3 User, you can choose 2 titles from this list:
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • inFamous*
  • WipEout HD/Fury
  • Ratchet & Clank: En busca del tesoro
  • Dead Nation*
(i gotta point that if you are one of the thousand people who have more than 1 account, you probably are going to download all the games).

▲If you're a PSP User you can take 2 of this games:
  • LittleBigPlanet PSP
  • ModNation Racers PSP
  • Pursuit Force
  • Killzone Liberation.
  • In adition, all the people who dont have a Play Station Plus account, can have now one, for 30 days ( i gotta say, if you activate this service, you can have at least 6 minigames more, -including Sonic and tails 2 by Sega-, for 30 days, then, when the service expires, the games do it too.)
  • Users of Qriocity, also get 1 month free.

So, this is it guys! Use it, download it, play it, enjoy it :D

PS: Please excuse my lack of english skills, im still learning.

sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

Fast 5 Final Scene

Im such a big fan of Fast and Furious Movies, so yesterday i went to the movies, and finally saw Fast 5. I gotta say, i loved it :D i like the way that Don omar, and Tego Calderón, gave the funny touch to the movie, the latin flavour! I like the way that the song Danza Kuduro, was played when they opened the safe box! I mean, Danza Kuduro was the song of the summer in my country, it's just so Happy that it was perfect!

Anyway, everytime i go to the cinema, i always stay until the screen goes black, so if you stay in the cinema, before the cast part, at the very last scene you will see the special Agent Mónica Fuentes (Eva mendes A.K.A Sexiest Hair -2fast 2furious) and The Agent Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson A.K.A The rock) Having this Conversation.

This just blows my mind

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Dream Theater

Damn i Love this song!!